Microsoft offers solutions that have a proven history of being assets when businesses adopt them - but like most any solution, what may fit well for one, may not fit well for all. Here, we’ll consider one of Microsoft offerings to help you determine if it is the right solution for your needs and requirements.
Most are familiar with the Office 365 suite in at least one of its iterations. Not so many are acquainted with the Microsoft 365 package.
What is Microsoft 365?
Microsoft 365 takes the business utility of the Office 365 solution suite and bundles it together with the Enterprise version of Windows 10, along with Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility + Security and machine learning features. As a result, it offers businesses who need these solutions a simple and convenient means to consolidate their assorted services into one - which is much easier to manage.
What Microsoft 365 Includes
In no uncertain terms, quite a bit:
- Windows Enterprise OS
- Installed versions of Microsoft Office applications
- Task management tools
- Device and Application Management
- Identity and Access Management
- Azure Active Directory Premium 1 and 2
- Windows Hello
- Direct Access
- Credential Guard
- Threat Protection
- Information Protection
- Security Management
- Microsoft Secure Score
- Microsoft Security and Compliance Center
- Advanced Compliance
- Advanced eDiscovery
- Customer Lockbox
- Advanced Data Governance
- Service Encryption with Customer Key
- Privileged Access Management
- Advanced Analytics
We realize that’s a lot, and there are a lot of complicated services and features that you may not know if you need or even want. Fortunately, our technicians are very familiar with Microsoft 365 and its massive set of tools and capabilities. That’s why Texas & Florida businesses lean on Flexnet Networks LLC for assistance. Not only can we help you determine the best solution for your business, we’ll help you procure it, implement it, and manage it. Reach out to us at (432) 520-3539 to learn more.