Flexnet Networks LLC Blog

Flexnet Networks LLC Blog

Flexnet Networks LLC has been serving the Texas area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Can You Recognize the Risks that Appear in Your Email?

Can You Recognize the Risks that Appear in Your Email?

Email is often touted as a favorite medium for launching cyberattacks against businesses and individuals. This is because it’s easy to hide the true intent behind an email attack within its contents, whether they are embedded images in the message itself, or links to external sources. How can you know for sure whether the links in your email inbox are legitimate?

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Updates and Patches are Critical to Your Infrastructure’s Security

Updates and Patches are Critical to Your Infrastructure’s Security

When you get a new device, you’re getting more than just the physical device and whatever software is currently installed on it. You’re also getting any updates and patches that the manufacturer and software developers release. However, many users neglect to incorporate these key improvements. Today, we’ll go over why updates and patches are so crucial.

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Tech Term: What are Proxy Servers?

Tech Term: What are Proxy Servers?

While proxy server is a tech term that is frequently cited, it is not understood by a vast majority of people. Today we will describe what a proxy server is, and why organizations like yours use them.

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Tip of the Week: Is Spam Ruining Your Email?

Tip of the Week: Is Spam Ruining Your Email?

You don’t need us to tell you that it’s extremely dangerous to hand out information to just anyone that contacts your business. This is important to keep in mind, especially considering how the majority of threats can be sent via email. You’ll likely encounter situations where you need to consider whether or not to click on attachments, as you could potentially put your business at risk.

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Tech Term: Understanding HTML and Plain Text

Tech Term: Understanding HTML and Plain Text

During your time around computers, chances are high that you’ve heard the phrase “plain text” and the acronym “HTML” tossed around when it comes to your email. If you aren’t sure what these statements refer to, we’re here to help. Today, we’ll examine both HTML and plain text to produce a better understanding of these tech terms.

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Tip of the Week: Awareness Is Important When Surfing the Web

Tip of the Week: Awareness Is Important When Surfing the Web

We all love the Internet. We all use it almost every day. For this week’s tip, we’ll review a few ways to help keep yourself from getting in trouble while browsing.

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Tip of the Week: Keeping Productivity Up When the Internet is Down

Tip of the Week: Keeping Productivity Up When the Internet is Down

Modern businesses rely pretty heavily on the Internet--so much so that, should the Internet go down, many employees will find themselves at a loss as what to do. However, there’s no need to sacrifice productivity just because your Internet isn’t cooperating. There are plenty of ways to get something done on a day that the Internet calls in sick, which we’ll go over for today’s tip.

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Tip of the Week: Need to Write an Email? Keep These 5 Steps in Mind

Tip of the Week: Need to Write an Email? Keep These 5 Steps in Mind

There are good emails, and there are bad emails. You know them when you see them, but can you write an email that’s more likely to be read and acted upon? There are a few key steps to writing them more effectively. For this week’s tip, we’ll walk you through five steps to improving your emails.

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Tip of the Week: We All Make Mistakes, but Try To Avoid These Computing Ones

Tip of the Week: We All Make Mistakes, but Try To Avoid These Computing Ones

Mistakes happen, especially where technology is involved. There are plenty of ways that user error can occur when using a computer--many of which are avoidable through simple preventative measures. For our tip this week, we’ll go over some behaviors to avoid when using a computer.

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Tip of the Week: How to Better Use Your Smartphone in Five Easy Steps

Tip of the Week: How to Better Use Your Smartphone in Five Easy Steps

Your smartphone is an incredible tool, capable of doing so much for you as you go about your personal and professional days. For this week’s tip, we’ve put together some of our favorite ways to squeeze even more function and convenience out of your mobile device.

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Protect Yourself Against Bad Luck With Data Backup

Protect Yourself Against Bad Luck With Data Backup

Whether you are suspicious or not, today seems like a good day to talk out what can happen if some bad luck interferes with your business. Disasters can come in all shapes and sizes, from a freak storm destroying your place of business and every IT component you had inside, to an employee whose path was crossed by a black cat accidentally spilling their coffee on their keyboard as they access some key data.

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Tip of the Week: Planning Your Holiday Travels? Have A Plan For Productivity

Tip of the Week: Planning Your Holiday Travels? Have A Plan For Productivity

Back to school is upon us and then it’s a hop, skip, and jump until the holidays arrive. With more companies allowing their employees to work remotely, holiday travel will mean that people are going to be taking their work on the road with them. Preventing credit card and identity theft has been a priority for shoppers during the season for many years. It’s important that the same security considerations be given to technology being used for business while traveling.

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Tip of the Week: 10 Tech Practices That Make Work Better

Tip of the Week: 10 Tech Practices That Make Work Better

Each worker within an organization is delegated some sort of responsibility based on their role. Managers are responsible for managing, while human resources keep all workers accountable for their responsibilities. Yet, there are multiple responsibilities designated to all employees who use technology for their everyday duties.

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Do Your IT Solutions Support You the Way They Should?

Do Your IT Solutions Support You the Way They Should?

When selecting which solutions, your business will need as a part of its information technology infrastructure, it helps to look to the future and your plans to advance and expand. Of course, it also doesn’t hurt to make sure that you and your needs are covered, just in case something were to go wrong. This is why it is important to be sure you know the answers to the following questions, especially when someone else is managing your IT solutions.

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While Dragons Might Not Stand Guard, HBO Is Serious About Data Security

While Dragons Might Not Stand Guard, HBO Is Serious About Data Security

With the mountainous success of Game of Thrones, the BBC-produced show has always been understandably concerned with their security. However, with the show officially overtaking the original source material, A Song of Ice and Fire, there is an increased presence of curious fans and members of the press with an eye out for a sneak peek at the action. This has led to more; somewhat more modern measures being adopted to keep the production’s secrets safe.

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Tip of the Week: How To Troubleshoot a Faulty Internet Connection

Tip of the Week: How To Troubleshoot a Faulty Internet Connection

An Internet connection is one of the most crucial parts of running a modern business. However, this type of reliance can be crippling in the event that the Internet goes down. What can you do to make sure that downtime is limited to a minimum?

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Tip of the Week: Find Your Lost Smartphone With Ease

Tip of the Week: Find Your Lost Smartphone With Ease

Oh no! You start slapping your pockets, already knowing what you’re about to confirm--your mobile device is missing. With the reliance we have on these devices, losing yours is enough to send you into a relative panic. However, this panic may be avoided by implementing a reliable solution specifically for locating a lost device.

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Tip of the Week: 2 Ways to Ensure Privacy When Using a Public PC

Tip of the Week: 2 Ways to Ensure Privacy When Using a Public PC

Before we dive into this week’s tip, it has to be said: if you have a choice, you should probably avoid using a public computer. As a rule, these machines feature minimal security precautions, along with maximum risk to any data accessed by the PC. Although, if a situation ever arises in which you have no choice but to use a public computer, be sure to follow these security best practices.

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Tip of the Week: 6 Ways to Charge Your Mobile Device Battery Faster

Tip of the Week: 6 Ways to Charge Your Mobile Device Battery Faster

You only care about how long your device’s battery lasts when it’s in the red, and at that point, it’s almost too late to find somewhere to charge. In situations like this, your first thought is, “Where is the nearest outlet?” Subsequently, your next thought might be, “How can I charge the battery faster?”

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Tip of the Week: Simple Ways to Help Your Employees Know More About IT

Tip of the Week: Simple Ways to Help Your Employees Know More About IT

How much of managing your IT resources are your employees responsible for? SMBs will often have their employees service their own workstations to some degree, primarily because they don’t have the resources to devote entirely to IT management and maintenance. This lack of IT talent can largely be made up for by training your employees on basic computer tasks.

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1706 W. Texas Ave,
Midland, Texas 79701

Call us: (432) 520-3539

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Flexnet Networks LLC is proud to announce the launch of our new website at www.flexnetllc.com. The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...